Saturday, March 14, 2015

Twenty Questions for the Sewers of San Draso

Jeff’s twenty campaign questions for my Sewers of San Draso campaign, part one.

  1. What is the deal with my cleric's religion?
You’re probably a priest of the elven Moon Empress or one of her many attendant saints-- mostly other gods absorbed into the imperial religion and ancient deified elven heroes, though there are a few more modern heroes mixed in as well. It’s possible that you’re the follower of one of the local gods that hasn’t been absorbed into the Hierarchy, or something even weirder.

  1. Where can we go to buy standard equipment?
There are a variety of blacksmiths and alchemists who provide equipment for soldiers and mercenaries, and more ordinary goods are available at the daily markets.

  1. Where can we go to get platemail custom fitted for this monster I just befriended?
Zanz, a half-giant, half-elf armorer, will give you a discount if you commission him to make armor for a kind of monster he’s never worked on before.

  1. Who is the mightiest wizard in the land?
Probably some unassuming member of emperor’s court. Within San Draso itself, most likely Tiago ve Moril, who few men have seen, and who is rumored to be a half-dragon.

  1. Who is the greatest warrior in the land?
Though saying so will get you uninvited from certain kinds of parties, it’s undoubtedly Amerincio Callan, an elven assassin of local ancestry who caused a minor scandal a few years ago by turning down the governor’s offer of adoption, and then making off with his daughter and both of his sons. (Who are, by all accounts, perfectly happy with the arrangement to this day.)

  1. Who is the richest person in the land?
Urraca ve Durran, whose mother bankrolled a great deal of the early exploration and settlement of San Draso and who has been assigned to oversee her family’s holdings for the next few centuries.

  1. Where can we go to get some magical healing?
Any imperial cult will be happy to provide this service to citizens in good standing of Her Celestial Empire.

  1. Where can we go to get cures for the following conditions: poison, disease, curse, level drain, lycanthropy, polymorph, alignment change, death, undeath?
The imperial cult is still a good option, although depending on the problem, a local shaman may be cheaper and less annoying.

  1. Is there a magic guild my MU belongs to or that I can join in order to get more spells?
The two main colleges with satellites in San Draso are the Eye and Triangle (specializing in abjuration, evocation, divination, and conjuration) and the Dragon’s Teeth Conclave (specializing in enchantment, illusion, transmutation, and necromancy). The Eye and Triangle welcomes non-wizards of a scholarly bent into their debate halls, while the Conclave hosts other kinds of arcane spellcasters seeking camaraderie as well.

  1. Where can I find an alchemist, sage or other expert NPC?
The merchant’s quarter, inside the second wall-- at least if quality is more important than price. There are also a number of “experts” of various kinds on the outskirts of town.


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